4 Ways to Teach Mitosis and Meiosis

Teaching Mitosis and Meiosis

Are you looking for some new and interesting ways to teach meiosis and mitosis? If so, you’re in luck! I’ve put together a list of four fun activities that are sure to engage your students and help them better understand these important concepts. Read on to learn more.

Three Ways to Teach Meiosis and Mitosis

Teaching the basics of mitosis and meiosis

Before you can get into the nitty-gritty of how meiosis and mitosis work, you need to make sure your students understand the basics. This includes things like what chromosomes are, what DNA is, and what cell division is. You can find several helpful videos on YouTube that explain these concepts in simple terms. Once your students have a firm grasp on the basics, you can move on to more specific instruction.

Draw it out!

Another way to help students really understand meiosis and mitosis is to have them draw it out.

This activity works best if you divide your students into groups of two or three. Give each group a large sheet of paper and some colored pencils or markers.

Then, provide them with a diagram of chromosomes (you can find one online or make your own) and explain that their task is to label the different phases of meiosis and mitosis using the diagram as a guide.

Once they’re finished, have groups share their drawings with the class and explain what they did.

Finally, lead a class discussion about what they noticed about the process of meiosis and mitosis.

Get Hands On

Another way to help students understand meiosis and mitosis is to get them up out of their seats and moving around.

First, give each student a miniature marshmallow. Then, explain that the marshmallow represents a chromosome (you may want to show them how many chromosomes are in a human cell ahead of time so they know how many marshmallows they should have).

Then, have them stand up and pair off with someone else in the classroom.

Once they’re paired up, explain that they will act out the meiosis process by passing their marshmallows back and forth between each other. As they do so, explain each step of meiosis as it’s happening.

Finally, once all the students have had a chance to act out meiosis, lead a class discussion about what they noticed about the process.

Meiosis and mitosis are important concepts for your students to understand if they’re going to be able to learn about genetics. By introducing these concepts in an engaging way, such as through hands-on activities or drawing exercises, you can help ensure that your students really comprehend how meiosis and mitosis work. And once they do, they’ll be on their way to understanding genetics!

Looking for ready-made materials to teach your unit on mitosis and meiosis? 

4 ways to teach mitosis and meiosis
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