How to Use Quotes to Empower Students in Your Classroom

How to use inspirational quotes in classroom to empower students in grades 4 5 6
Whether it’s inspirational or funny, so many people love quotes. Bring quotes in the classroom using these ideas to empower students and build confidence in our young learners.  
I came across the book 365 days of Wonder: Mr. Brown’s Precepts. Having read the novel, Wonder, I had to have this book. A precept is a rule or thought that will guide someone’s behavior.

How to Use Quotes in the Classroom

This book has 365 precepts, one for each day of the year. Each day write a precept on the board and talk about it as a class. 

 Another way to use quotes in the classroom: 

Add a quote to your desk and have it reflect how upper elementary students feel about themselves. One example is:

 “Be yourself, everyone else is already taken,” 

Oscar Wilde
Students loved the quote and turn it into a lesson by talking about how and why it is important to be yourself and not try to fit into a mold that someone else wants you to be.

Use this FREE Quote in the Classroom! 

To further this philosophy, I am giving away my desk letters for FREE! When printing out, I chose to print them four to a page. I also included a box around each letter which made cutting so much easier. To do this, click the option that says, “print a page border”.
Free set of motivational quotes to use in the classroom


More ideas to use in the classroom: 
Looking for more ideas for helping students become more responsible for themselves and accountable for their learning? My upper elementary friends have joined together to share more ideas on this topic! Check these out and grab the freebies along the way!

Using Quotes to Empower Students in the Classroom // Teaching Muse 

If you are loving quotes in your classroom, you may also be interested in the following resources. 

Scientist and Inventors historic sayings   Women in History Meaningful words
Presidents of the United States Famous Sayings   Inspirational quotes for your classroom
Free set of quotes to use in the classroom with your students in grades 4 5 6 to instill confidence and responsibility in the learning process.

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