Strategies to Motivate Reluctant Readers

Strategies to get upper elementary grade 5 6 7 students to reading independently
Getting struggling readers to read independently in the upper elementary and middle school grades can be very difficult. Students as young as second and third grade start to realize what they are not good at and will often want to give up. 
As teachers, we try hard to continue to encourage and motivate reluctant reader to persevere to do well in school. Sometimes it can be difficult as each struggling learner struggles with different things

Strategies for Reluctant Readers

The video below will walk you through different strategies and methods that you can implement in your classroom to continually encourage and engage your students in strengthening their reading skills. 


Independent Reading Strategies

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If you want printable and digital materials for your classroom, check out this resource to help you get started quickly

Motivate your low level readers to gain independence by using tips and strategies with your grade 4 5 6 students

Professional Development

If you are looking for more strategies to help reluctant readers, check out Disrupting Thinking. This professional development book is filled with good information. Even as a seasoned teacher, I felt that a lot of the tips were great reminders to bring me back into the student’s shoes. 
The quote below could be a great discussion starter as to why reading is important. 
Motivating reluctant readers

Looking for ways to make independent reading more meaningful to your students? Check out this quick read that was featured in WeAreTeachers

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