Cheap Student Rewards

As students get older, most upper elementary and middle school classrooms no longer have a classwide reward; however, teachers still want to acknowledge and recognize students for their positive behaviors or academic success. Here are some ideas to use in your classroom for cheap student rewards. 

Rewards for Students

Whether you use the rewards for students as classroom management or a positive behavior system, here are some ideas to use in your classroom without breaking your budget

My students, from 6th to 8th grade, love earning stickers

As a science teacher, students will earn science based stickers. This reward for students allows them to decorate their Chromebooks, show off their hard work to their parents or friends, and instill a sense of pride in each student. 

Attach the sticker to a test or give students the sticker and allow them to choose where they will place it. 

Earned Privileges

What better way to teach students responsibility while rewarding them by allowing them to earn different classroom privileges? 

Earned privileges could include: 

  • Choosing their seat for a day
  • Listen to music while you work
  • Late homework passes
  • Play a board game when finished with classwork

Lunch with Teacher

lunch with teacher student reward

While a teacher’s day is never long enough, if you can carve out one lunch period a month to spend with your students, you may see your kids working hard. 

Here’s what lunch with a teacher can look like: 

  • The student who earned the prize can bring a friend
  • Students bring their lunch but consider providing a small snack. 
  • Play some music to give the classroom a fun atmosphere. 
  • If teaching multiple classes, consider blocking out one lunch period a month to reduce personal time lost. 


Students love touching things! So here are some bonuses to incorporate into your classroom: 

Royalty for the Day Student Reward

If you are looking for a free student reward, many Burger Kings will give you 30 crowns for free. Use these crowns as an incentive for your students or reuse them as part of your classroom management system

Students will love feeling special in your classroom so this crown makes for the perfect free reward for students. 

student reward system

Students will love it no matter which type of classroom management system you decide to implement. 

Whether the option is free, takes some of your time, or money, don’t forget that sometimes a simple compliment can change a student’s whole year. 

Building relationships with students is just as important as rewarding them! 

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