
6 Science Classroom Management Strategies

How to maintain control in the science laboratory and classroom
What classroom management strategies and ideas are you using in your science classroom? Of course, setting up procedures and routines is vital in any back to school classroom. Still, it is even more critical for the science teacher because safety truly becomes a factor in managing behaviors and discipline in the laboratory. Below are six easy to implement strategies you can use to have a structured, fun year with your students.

Tip #1: Create a Respectful Environment

Creating a respectful environment is the most effective way to manage your classroom. When students feel respected, they will elicit respect in return. Simple ways to initiate a respectful environment at the beginning of the year are to:
back to school create a space to welcome students into your classroom


Tip #2: Have clear expectations.

Sometimes it sounds easier than you think. First, create a syllabus to start the school year. Next, the classroom syllabus should be discussed with the class to internalize science classroom management expectations. Have this classroom management conversation auditorily and visually, with the syllabus in front of them. Additionally, classroom conversations will build relationships with your students and increase their comfort levels. Furthermore, you can assess student understanding to ensure your expectations are clear to your students. 
classroom syllabus for management of science class

Tip #3: Consistent classroom procedures.

The classroom management procedures you set on the first days of school are essential to maintain in January, March, and May. Adhere to your procedures that also comply with school rules, and repeat them consistently throughout the year. Some procedures you may want to think about how to best implement are:
       Organization (where and how they will keep their work)
       Aim and Do Now
       Lateness / Absences
Being organized and consistent gives students structure to maintain expectations

Tip #4: Engagement.

A dynamic, respectful classroom environment will manage itself. In doing so,  make science as hands-on as possible. Students want to be part of the hands-on experiments, so their behavior will fall into place. If budgeting is an issue, ask students to bring in supplies. Often, their families can help by providing some necessary items. Other ways to engage are
       Including technology in the classroom through a digital curriculum or blended learning lessons allows students to tap into their strengths and interests. 

Increase student engagement to decrease negative behaviors in the classroom

Tip #5: Collaborate!

Vary your teaching style to liven up the classroom. This will also help to increase engagement. Students get bored of always listening to the teacher in front of the classroom. Studies show that often they learn best from one another. Try letting students work in small groups and set up rules to see how the students respond to the different teaching methods.
       Allow students to make up their small groups or randomize groupings based on ability or behavior.
       Use rubrics to grade students on the assignment.

Tip #6: Consequences

No matter how respectful and kind you are, there will be times you need to establish consequences for your students. It is best to have predetermined consequences that adhere to your school policy. Before the school year starts, determine what would warrant a consequence. Establishing this with your students on the first day of school would be best. After that, it could be worthwhile to put this in your syllabus. To maintain credibility, be sure to follow through with your consequences. However, do not put yourself in a struggle in front of the class. Keep a respectful tone by talking to the students after class or in the hallway. Also, think of positive rewards that students can earn. Sometimes it is helpful to focus on the positive instead of the negative.

Classroom management ideas and strategies to use in science on he first days of school through the end of the school year


We are so excited to get this school year rolling and help you focus on easy classroom management! Check out these other classroom management and organization ideas for upper elementary!

    I hope these classroom management techniques help you out in your science room. If you have any questions or comments, let me know below. 

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