Science Emergency Sub Plans

Science teachers, stop worrying about needing to take time off when you are sick and shouldn’t be in the classroom. These science emergency sub plans will help save the day so you can have peace of mind while you rest and recover before returning to your classroom. 

Emergency sub plan ideas

Science journal for kids and teens is a website that includes various science articles on current events in your classroom, making it the perfect solution to finding science emergency sub plans.

Filter the research-based articles based on

Each research article includes comprehension questions and vocabulary to help assess student knowledge. 

Going to be out for a few days? Various topic collections, including climate change, help prepare for your absence. Check it out here

ideas for emergency science sub plans

CER is an abbreviation for claim, evidence, and reasoning; a process students can use to help strengthen their analysis skills in science. 

Giving students CER practice is perfect for emergency science sub plans as they can be completed no matter which unit you are currently teaching. 

If students have no prior experience writing CER responses, then check out these practice worksheets that use videos and common knowledge to begin using the CER writing formula

Practice basic skills

If you know you’ll be out for multiple days, giving students something that will reinforce basic science skills can be a good refresher for science emergency sub plans. 

Data nuggets is a website that helps students review graphing and other basic science skills.

The activities are leveled so you can choose which one would work best for your class or differentiate instruction. 

This data nugget on coral bleaching asks students to

FREE choice science boards

Check out these free science choice boards for science emergency sub plans if you prefer keeping students on task with your science unit during your absence. 

Each board includes 9 activities for students to complete to demonstrate their knowledge of the science topic. 

Activities are varied to allow students with different learning styles to excel. 

Choose to have students complete all 9 activities, create a tic-tac-toe pattern, or one activity, depending on how long your absence will take. A grading rubric allows you to assess their work quickly. 

These free science choice boards also make an excellent formative assessment for your students, so use them even if you aren’t absent from your classroom! 

What better way to keep students engaged during your absence than by using seasonal science activities as science emergency sub plans? 

By incorporating monthly holidays and days of importance into your science curriculum, students will become engaged and learn more about the world around them. 

With activities linking to NGSS, you never have to worry about how these activities fit into your curriculum. 

Best part? Grab a FREE set of these activities below.

Whether you are sick, stuck in a meeting, or have car trouble, these ideas can easily be used as science emergency sub plans. Don’t forget about these quick ideas too: 


Looking for a free set of my monthly science activities? Grab it by signing up below! 

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