More Google Apps for Improving Teaching in the Classroom

Google Apps for the Remote teaching classroom to use when distance learning in grades 4 5 6

Last week I shared 5 awesome Google extensions I fell in love with. While compiling a list of great Google tech apps for teaching, I realized there were so many, so here are more for you to check out. 

 More Goole Apps for Teaching

Share to Classroom Chrome Extension:

       Share to Classroom is a Google extension that allows Google Classroom users to instantly share a webpage. This helps to save time and confusion by allowing teachers to instantly share a webpage they are on for instruction with their students. No worries about typing it out, upper and lowercase letters, or the names of weird symbols. The work is done for you within seconds.

Share to Classroom allows you to instantly share a webpage to your students while elearning in upper elementary grades. The perfect tech tool to use in the classroom.


       This app works well in the classroom because it makes teaching easier and saves time for instruction. Relate concepts to real life so that students can connect to their learning. This extension allows teachers to share local tide tables when learning about tides. Review the need to know how moon phases affect the tide and how often they change. Using a website like this helps build a real-life connection and can be easily done using this extension.

 Special features: 

Push allows the page to be sent to them. This would be ideal during a lesson to  ensure all students can see what you are showing on the Smartboard.

Push notification in Share to Google Classroom makes real life connections in learning grade 4 5 6 classroom.


Ask a Question This option allows you to ask the students a question that they will respond to after looking at the webpage. Students can answer either a multiple choice or short answer question.

Ask questions to your upper elementary students to assess learning while using Google Classroom and this app for teaching


Create an Assignment Use the webpage to create an assignment for the students to complete.

Make an Announcement Add the website to your page as an announcement. This would be nice to highlight something on the school website. 



Schoology +

       My district uses Schoology as their Learning Management System. You can learn a little bit more about Schoology here

       Schoology Plus has a variety of settings that are upgrades, such as

Theme: There are 3 new themes to choose from, including a rainbow theme that changes colors. It is so pretty!

Schoology plus allows teachers more options to personalize their dashboard to suit their needs for grade 5 6 7 students.


Desktop Notifications: If you are on a laptop or desktop, you can enable notifications to pop through to let you know when students have a question, assignments are handed in, etc.

Order Classes: You can change the order of your classes on the grades and mastery pages.

Archived Courses Button: This button will make it easier to see archived courses.


       Math teachers find it difficult to integrate technology into their classrooms because there is not a lot out there for them to use. Equatio is trying to change that.

       While there is a free and paid version, the free version offers a lot for students and teachers.

       Equatio will easily create math expressions in Google Docs

       Allow students to use their touchscreen, voice recognition, or use the keyboard to create equations

       Read back math expressions


Google apps to complete digital math assignments integrate remote learning in upper elementary


Web Paint:

       This Google app for teaching allows you to draw, write, highlight, and annotate right on a webpage! Use while teaching at the Smartboard, which will allow you to draw attention to the title, hide everything but an image, add text, or underline important information. There is an option to share the work, take a screenshot, download, or print the information.  

Use Web paint to highlight, annotate, cover text while distance teaching in the classroom


Reverso Translate:

       If Google Translate isn’t for you then try out Reverso Translate. It works better to help translate information from texts, even PDFs. This app can translate over 20 languages and has better reviews compared to Google Translate

  Use this Google extension to help communicate more effectively with parents. Educational games are also available for students in foreign language classrooms. 

easy and free google apps to integrate tech into your grade 4 5 6 distance learning classroom


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